Category Archives: General

Mo Bros Guide To Grey Beards

Grey beards eh! So you’re getting grey hairs in your beard? Don’t worry, there’s nothing wrong with that! All hair goes grey at some point in life and your facial hair is no exception. There are few things that you could do to make it look and feel better, so read our guide to grey…

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4 Benefits Of Combing Your Beard

Making your beard look great involves a lot more effort than just putting the razor down and letting it grow. Combing your beard is one of the essential steps, that will help you to maintain your facial hair and make it look better. It is so essential, that it should be included in every bearded man’s…

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4 Tips For A Patchy Beard

So you decided to let your hair grow and only to find out that you have a patchy beard? Don’t worry, that’s no reason to go beardless! We agree that some men are luckier than others and they can grow full beards in no time, but for others the process can be slightly more challenging.…

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6 Tips For Autumn Beard Care in 2020

Autumn hates your face. It hates your skin and your beard. Autumn is Winter’s hype man, intent on wreaking havoc so that all Winter has to do is come in and finish you off.  It’s a shame really because Autumn as a season is cool, with all its greens and browns and musky smells. But…

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7 Vital Steps To Growing A Moustache

Growing A Moustache is something that has its champions but isn’t to everyone’s taste. The humble moustache certainly divides opinion. Long, short, bushy or small, moustaches are a veritable ‘smorgasbord’ of styles. If you’ve decided to sport one too, make sure to grow a moustache that you can really be proud of. We’re here to help…

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Beard Cream

Beard Cream: What it is, what it isn’t and why we call it something else Growing a beard is as simple as binning your razors and giving up shaving for a few months. Growing a beard that’s itch-free, thick and healthy, on the other hand, is not quite as simple. Achieving this relies on you…

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