Category Archives: General

How to Trim a Beard like a Boss

How to trim a beard is probably your next question after how do you grow one. Unless your plan for facial hair is to go full caveman, at some point, to keep it presentable, you’re going to need to trim it. To maintain your beard, we suggest finding a good barber and paying them a visit every 3-4…

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What is Beard Shampoo?

Beard Shampoo? Shampoo, for your beard — what’s that all about then? Is it some kind of joke —  a beard placebo cooked up by snake oil salesmen with facial hair? Surely shampoo is shampoo is shampoo, right? Because hair is hair wherever it is on your body and what works on your head must work…

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How to avoid beard dandruff

Beard dandruff is one of the biggest and most uncomfortable facial hair problems and it may actually be more common than you might think. Some studies assert that 50% of the overall population has varying stages of dandruff. So what causes this uncomfortable skin problem? There can be a lot of different causes, but the three most common…

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Style Your Beard

So far we’ve covered 3 steps as part of our 5 step routine, introducing washing your beard, conditioning and hydrating. Now it’s time to discuss what products to use in order to style your beard to it’s prime look and feel! There are two products that are missing from your man box – and that…

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How to Deal with an Itchy Beard

In November 2014, three brothers set out on a mission to raise money for charity with a good ol’ fashioned beard growing contest. Whoever had the longest beard at the end of the month would be declared the winner and all monies raised would go directly to the Movember Foundation. Unfortunately, things didn’t go to…

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Benefits of using a Beard Comb and Brush

Benefits of using a beard comb and brush. You’re on a journey to look the part, and have an awesome, maintained beard. You’ve nailed Washing, Conditioning, Hydrating and Styling your beard, and you’re finally on the last step of the beard care routine, which is to comb and brush your beard to your ideal finish.  So…

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How To Get Rid Of a Dry Beard

You’re probably wondering, why is my beard always dry? Well, having a dry beard is like having a really bad haircut, it doesn’t feel or look right and you don’t exactly feel comfortable with it. So whether that’s your beard itself or dry skin under your mane, let us walk you through the best products…

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How to Grow Facial Hair

“Let’s write a guide on how to grow facial hair,” we said. “But you already have a guide on growing a beard,” came the reply.  “That we do,” we said. “But while all beards are facial hair, not all facial hair is a beard. What if a brother wants to grow a moustache or mutton…

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How to Grow and Maintain a Lockdown Beard

Depending on when you’re reading this, you’re either in lockdown or have been in lockdown or even self-isolating due to coming in contact with someone who has the dreaded covid. For all its negatives, one welcome change in lockdown is the lack of a need to shave. We all have fewer social engagements and a…

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