How I Solved My Beard Itch: My Beard Journey
The next Aqua man? Meet our 6’9″, bearded ambassador James! A familiar face to those who have spotted him throughout our social posts.
We know you’re all probably wondering how he’s achieved such a great beard. For guys like James, growing a beard does come with its downfalls e.g. that beard itch, which through time he has learnt to overcome.
Surprisingly, beards are more than just facial hair – they’re a lifestyle and have become a vital part of his everyday routine. We checked in with our friend who spoke about his aspiring acting career and of course, all things beard!
Tell us a bit about your career?
I’ve been acting for the last 5 years. I kind of stumbled across that. I got asked a lot about being in the Vikings and Game of Thrones and it planted a seed in my head that I probably have something that stands out in the industry. I also work for a fitness brand; I look after the Midlands and Wales as a region.
Outside of work, what are your hobbies? What does a perfect day look like for James?
Eating and training, I’m very passionate about both! I’m a big foodie. My favourite cuisine is Thai food, but I don’t think anyone can turn down a domino’s pizza, which is my quick fix.
How long have you had a beard for? Is it something you’ve always had?
I’ve had it for about 3 and a half years, it’s been in various lengths. I think it’s more of when I started getting involved with the acting and I realised it was my beard that was getting me a lot of roles. As I get a lot of work through it, I don’t think it’s something that I will be shaving off.

What’s your favourite beard and moustache grooming item?
I would say normal Beard Oil. For me, I can’t go anywhere without it as I can’t stand having a dry beard that makes me itch it. I do also use balm if I want it to hold and add style to it, but I really like that fresh glossy look you get from an oil. When I came across Mo Bros years ago, I did purchase the conditioner and wash which I got on great with. I could definitely tell a difference between that and using standard shampoo and conditioner for hair.
Do you have a beard routine?
I don’t have a routine, but I can’t just get up and get on with my day. If I’m in a rush, I like to get my beard sorted rather than have a shower. It’s always wet the beard down, brush it, beard oil. Done.
How have you been taking care of your beard during lockdown?
It got out of control during lockdown, I’m precious about my beard so I wouldn’t do it myself. So, I did look like I just walked out of the amazon rainforest! But I did keep the Beard Oil going in and kept brushing it now and again.
When did you first find out about Mo Bros?
When I was shopping around 5/6 years ago, around Christmas time there was a stand inside the High Cross shopping centre in Leicester and I instantly liked the branding!
What are your thoughts on our limited-edition Cloud 9 scent? Is it a scent that you would wear?
Absolutely. Scented beard oils can be strange. Sometimes your beard oil can overpower the smell of your aftershave. Whereas what’s nice about this one is that it is a cologne smell, so you don’t have to be using a lot of aftershave. I think it compliments it just right.
Have you ever been called out for your beard?
Well, I haven’t had any strange encounters but it’s something I’m aware of. Having a beard yourself you know how hard it is to maintain, grow and get a full thick beard. You do feel a sort of brother ship when you see someone else with a beard. At castings where we all have similar beards, there’s always the question of what you use. You can tell when someone looks after their beard.
Do you have any advice or tips for guys that are looking to start their beard care journey? Particularly anything that you’ve struggled with when starting off?
From my own experience, if I don’t keep it conditioned with oil then it does get dry, full of dandruff, flaky and it does tend to itch. Some people might be put off from growing their beard because of their beard itch and dryness so they shave it off, but that’s because they don’t use any products. My mistake is that I didn’t use any products until it got to a decent length. It’s important that the skin underneath should be getting conditioned. When people ask me how I get my beard like it is, I always say beard oil! For me it makes it look nice, is great for beard growth and keeps it well conditioned, which reduces the beard itch. There’s not a product that I can’t recommend enough!
We hope that you’ve got to know James a lot better and found his beard story interesting and useful! But, most importantly learnt how to get rid of that beard itch! Keep a close eye on our social posts for more upcoming content featuring James and in the meantime, keep that beard in check!
If you’re interested in some more Beard Journeys then why not check out the following below:
Growing a Beard: My Beard Journey
How I Style My Moustache: My Beard Journey
Growing My Confidence: My Beard Journey