3 Bad Beard Habits That Might Be Affecting Your Beard
A beard is like a precious trophy that every beardsman should cherish. However, did you know you could be unconsciously damaging your beard? Bad beards are not what we want bro. You would be surprised to know there are 3 bad beard habits that might be affecting your mane. You probably don’t mean to, but you could be one of your facial hair’s biggest enemies! So here are 3 bad beard habits and some tips that could help.
1. Pulling at your beard
One of the worst habits that can damage your beard is pulling at your beard. We know, you don’t do it on purpose, it usually happens unconsciously. Guys play with their beards either out of habit or comfort. While lightly stroking your facial hair won’t typically cause a lot of damage, if you do it very often, especially in one area, it won’t be long until you start pulling your hairs out. This may cause bald patches to appear on your face, and will ruin all your hard work in growing and maintaining your magnificent mane. Can you imagine? You grow a beard for months only to have to shave it off because you pick at it too much! That’s what some men end up doing if they can’t stop plucking at their face fluff – it means starting over.
2. Stroking your beard

Even stroking your beard can have some negative effects. If you use beard grooming products like oil and balm, stroking your beard too often with oily hands can lead to acne underneath the facial hair, which can be irritating and painful. While on the other hand, the more you stroke your beard with dry skin, the more chance you have of causing dandruff. Make sure that your hands are clean and your face is moisturised before you stroke that precious mane of yours.
3. Over-washing your beard
It’s important to keep your beard clean, but washing it too often will dry out your beard. What do we mean? Sure, you don’t want to walk around with dirty beard, but using beard washing products can strip your beard and skin of the natural oils, and that can cause dry hair and dandruff. You only need to use beard wash or soap up to 3 times per week and simply cleanse it with water on the other days.

How to stop your bad beard habits
One of the keys to break these bad habits, is to look for the triggers that make you unconsciously reach for your chin. This will help you to take the necessary steps to stop yourself. Here are few recommendations that might help.
Some guys choose to put their hands in their pockets or sit on them, when they feel the need stroke their beard. You can also keep a comb nearby to comb your beard instead of pulling at it. However, don’t over comb your mane, because too much of a good thing isn’t healthy either. Finally, you can set yourself to a challenge and put a little bit of money in a pot every time you find yourself touching your beard.
Check out some of our other blog posts below and get the advice you need for growing and maintaining a healthy beard.
1. How To Make Your Beard Soft
2. Beard Growth Stages and Tips
3. Benefits of Using A Beard Comb & A Beard Brush
4. How to Deal with an Itchy Beard!
5. Daily Beard Care Routine Tips